Notwithstanding the derogatory terminology being used by the government against Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare, the fight against corruption is taking a definite shape and the present outfit working as government will have to go sooner than later. The terminology is not new them, they mastered the phrases during Seventies against Loknayak Jai Prakash Narain. History repeats itself, historians say. Let us hope and pray that history of the ouster of corrupt, dictatorial regime will be repeated but the history of the selfish leaders of the Janta Party withering away will not be repeated. The outfit that was ousted by the masses had to be brought back by the same masses.
The Nation is solidly standing behind Anna on the issue of fight against corruption and one can see writings on the wall that this is beginning of the end of the corrupt government. But What Next? Will the other set of disgruntled, selfish politicians take over from the present UPA government? Anna and Ramdev have not created an alternative, honest, non-political set up to take charge of the affairs of the country. If they think, using Janlokpal, it will be possible to make these old dirty hands rather pure and clean, it is naive idea. Let us hope they have this aspect in mind !!!